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University Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Staff Show Anti-Israel Bias

This article was originally published in the The National Interest on January 30, 2022, written by Adam Milstein of the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation, James Jay Carafano of The Heritage Foundation, and Elan S. Carr who is a former U.S. special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism and a visiting fellow at Heritage. A recent Heritage Foundation study found strong anti-Israel bias in the social media posts of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” (DEI) officials at colleges and universities throughout the United States. These officials criticize Israel far more frequently and far more severely than they do China. Their posts about  Read More…

Here’s how to fix the Jewish community

Today, the collective strength of the Jewish people may be greater than at any other time in our history. We have an independent Jewish state with a booming economy and one of the world’s most powerful militaries. The American Jewish community has reached the heights of success in politics, business, arts and culture, and science, becoming perhaps the most influential Jewish diaspora community in history. Yet, despite our strength, the challenges facing global Jewry are growing and multifaceted—in some cases posing an existential danger to our future as a people. Anti-Semitism is rapidly rising on the right and the left.  Read More…

How to Make Jewish Philanthropy Go Further

Article appeared in The Algemeiner Jewish leaders and philanthropists are currently engaged in an intense and crucial debate. There is growing concern that Jews, particularly the next generation, are disconnecting from their Jewish heritage and from the state of Israel. The now infamous Pew Study, titled “A Portrait of Jewish Americans,” found that approximately two-thirds of American Jewish millennials do not feel a strong connection to Israel. In another recent study, published by Brandeis University, fewer than half of Jewish college students could correctly answer even the most basic questions about Israel. In the face of these trends, how can we  Read More…

The New Israeli Americans

FEATURED IN MOMENT MAG THE DAYS OF SHAME ABOUT LIVING IN AMERICA ARE OVER. BUT CAN THIS DIVERSE GROUP OF IMMIGRANTS HOLD ONTO THEIR CULTURE? AND IS THERE A CHANCE THAT THEY CAN BECOME A UNIFIED POLITICAL VOICE? By Ellen Wexler  When she moved to New York in 2003, Shelly Oria did her best to imitate Americans. She learned to hold doors, to be less aggressive in conversation, to smile at people she passed on the street. The rhythms of American life were new and lovely, but they did not come naturally. Then there were the day-to-day challenges: opening a bank account,  Read More…

Investing Jewish Philanthropic Dollars, More Effectively and Wisely

Original Post: The Jerusalem Post The return on our investment will be nothing less than a vibrant Jewish future. Jewish leaders and philanthropists are now engaged in an intense and crucial conversation. There is growing concern that Jews – particularly the next generation – are disconnecting from their Jewish heritage and from the State of Israel. The now infamous Pew Study “A Portrait of Jewish Americans” found that approximately two-thirds of American Jewish millennials report that they do not feel a strong connection to Israel. In a recent study published by Brandeis University, fewer than half of Jewish college students  Read More…

Israeliness Is The Answer

Alarms are going off. American Jews – particularly Millennials – have become less connected to their faith and to the State of Israel. According to the now infamous 2013 Pew Research Center study, “A Portrait of Jewish Americans,” approximately one-third of American Jews between 18 and 29 years old describe themselves as having no religion at all, and two-thirds do not have a strong connection to Israel. In a study published by Brandeis University last year, fewer than half of Jewish college students could correctly answer even the most basic questions about the Jewish state. This is stark contrast to  Read More…

Boosting Charitable Giving in Israel: A Challenge From Diaspora Philanthropists

Most people associate American Jews with a devotion to philanthropy. In fact, Jewish people comprise five of six of the world’s top donors to charity, giving over $966 million to cherished causes. Compared to their counterparts in America, Israeli Jews give much less overall to philanthropic endeavors. Israel hasn’t developed a strong philosophical culture for several important reasons. The country isn’t a bastion of old money; in fact, most of Israel’s wealthy citizens became rich during the tech boom. Unlike America, it isn’t full of long-established wealthy families with a history of service and philanthropy. Also, high individual and corporate  Read More…

Pew and the Jews, Part 2: Experts Say Leveraging Poll Data Trumps Numbers

Posted on June 21, 2015 by JNS.org and filed under Features, Jewish Life, U.S.. By Maayan Jaffe Since the Pew Research Center released its U.S. Religious Landscape Study in May, most discussion of its findings has been quickly drowned out by other news. This is in stark contrast to the much-debated Pew survey on American Jewry that was released in October 2013. Why the discrepancy? It’s likely because little new was discovered in the latest poll. According to the study, 25 percent of individuals raised as Jews no longer consider themselves Jewish, 35 percent of Jews who are married or living with a partner are with a non-Jew, and 39 percent  Read More…

Pew and the Jews, Part 2: Experts Say Leveraging Poll Data Trumps Numbers

Posted on June 21, 2015 by JNS.org and filed under Features, Jewish Life, U.S.. By Maayan Jaffe/JNS.org Caption: The Jewish Community Festival in Bellevue, Wash., in August 2007. At left is the booth of the Secular Jewish Circle of Puget Sound, which brings people together “to celebrate Jewish culture and heritage in a non-religious setting.” Surveys on American Judaism by institutes such as the Pew Research Center often ignite debates on religious vs. secular Jewish observance and identification. Credit: Joe Mabel via Wikimedia Commons. Since the Pew Research Center released its U.S. Religious Landscape Study in May, most discussion of its findings has been quickly drowned out by  Read More…

The Jewish Forward: Sheldon Adelson Is A Philanthropist Like No Other

Source: Forward  GETTY IMAGES/KURT HOFFMAN CASINO BILLIONAIRE TRANSFORMS SHAPE OF JEWISH GIVING BY NATHAN GUTTMAN Published November 03, 2014, issue of November 07, 2014. RELATED Sheldon Adelson’s Self-Defeating Meddling Tough Night for Sheldon Adelson When a storm wreaked havoc on East Coast air travel last winter, among the thousands of travelers stranded were several dozen Israeli-American teens from Washington and Philadelphia. But these youths, who were en route to the annual meeting of the Tzofim, the Israeli scouts, were luckier than the many others forced to mill about air terminals. Soon after their flight was canceled, a private executive jet landed at  Read More…