This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on May 16th, 2024, written By ALAN ROSENBAUM ‘This is a unique time in the history of the world,” declares Adam Milstein, co-founder of the Los Angeles-based Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation, “when the enemies of the Jewish people and Israel are also enemies of Western civilization and America.” Over the past decade, Milstein, who grew up in Israel and served in the IDF during the 1973 Yom Kippur War before moving to Los Angeles and becoming a successful real estate investor, community leader, and venture philanthropist, has warned about the exponential rise Read More…
This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on May 13th, 2024, written by Adam Milstein Antisemitism is a persistent scourge that has haunted the Jewish people for centuries. For thousands of years, Jews faced discrimination, persecution, and state-sanctioned violence. This perilous existence, as guests in other countries, culminated with the Holocaust. Despite the hopes of the well-intentioned “Never Again” soothsayers, since the Holocaust, antisemitism has hardly disappeared into the dustbin of history. From the Romans to the Babylonians, from the Soviets to the French, from Nazism to the Arab world, and now to American college campuses and elite academic Read More…
This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on April 21st, 2024, written by Adam Milstein “Black lives matter” represent a stance against Black intolerance. Following the October 7th massacre of more than 1,200 Israelis, injuring 7,000 more, the Jewish community asks: condemn antisemitism In 2020, Americans took the streets to protest the death of George Floyd. The phrase “Black lives matter” was born. This chant and slogan is now recognized throughout the world to represent a stance against Black intolerance. When some tried to counter it with “all lives matter” they were perceived as dismissive of the unique struggles of Read More…
Watch my interview with Tamar Uriel-Beeri, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Jerusalem Post, as we discuss the vision and goals of the Impact Forum. Our network of philanthropists supports pro-America and pro-Israel organizations, with a mission to fight antisemitism, strengthen the state of Israel, and protect American democracy. As we know, the enemies of the Jews and America are the same. Though the Jews are often the first to be targeted, it is America and Western civilization that are the ultimate targets. Check out the article to learn more.
This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on February 18th, 2024, written by Adam Milstein Since the Soviet Union, the Arab League boycott, and the Iranian Revolution, antisemites have tried to hide their anti-Jewish bigotry behind politically acceptable “anti-Zionism.” Get two Jews in a room, get three opinions. True of most things, but one thing most Jews agree on is that Israel is the indigenous homeland of the Jewish people and that their connection to it is a core tenet of their Jewish identity. Despite this majoritarian view, there is a loud minority of radical anti-Israel Jewish voices. Although unrepresentative Read More…
This article was originally published in the Washington Times on February 13th, 2024, written by Adam Milstein It is no secret that Jewish Americans have historically skewed left politically. We have long been considered an important voting bloc for Democrats, and our involvement in the Democratic Party dates as far back as the early days of the labor movement. In recent years, however, radical progressives have begun to take over the Democratic Party. These progressives are proud anti-Zionists who frequently cross the line into antisemitism. Their takeover of the party has unsurprisingly alienated Jewish voters. But this has never been more apparent than in the Read More…
This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on January 10th, 2024, written by Adam Milstein All Jews agree on one thing…that all Jews never agree. At any Jewish gathering around the world, you’ll hear heated debates on food, religion, culture, and everything in between. Politics are no different, but the debate is louder. James Baker once said “F*** the Jews, they don’t vote for us.” While perhaps untrue, Baker’s sentiment reflected a historical American Jewish political truism – the Jewish community votes Democrat. Since the early 1990’s, a growing number of Jews have shifted rightward, but the majority of the Jewish-American Read More…
This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on December 2nd, 2023, written by Adam Milstein On October 7, Hamas attacked Israel, massacring 1,200 Israeli civilians in cold blood, and wounding thousands, including women, children, and the elderly. 240 people – including infants and Holocaust survivors – were kidnapped and taken to Gaza. What was the response from the world? Jewish institutions have been vandalized. Jews have been murdered on the street and attacked in their homes. Crowds have called for the annihilation of the Jewish state and to clean the world of Jews on college campuses. Celebrities and influencers Read More…
This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on September 28th, 2023, written by Adam Milstein Yes, associating with antisemites should be unacceptable. We live in an age in which ideas, including extreme ones, spread instantly. This allows hate and bigotry, including antisemitism, to flourish both online and in person. In this digital age – where legacy media, politicians, and corporations no longer shape the collective consciousness as they once did – the responsibility of holding antisemites accountable has broadened. This responsibility now falls on the shoulders of each one of us. We must involve American leadership, and civil Read More…
This article was originally published in the Daily Caller on September 11th, 2023, written by Adam Milstein. Many in the Jewish American community have their fair share of disagreements with the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) approach to fighting antisemitism. As others have pointed out, the legacy Jewish organization, which was established in 1913 to combat antisemitism, has become increasingly partisan over the last decade, hurting its ability to confront Jew-hate as effectively as it once did. However, this past couple of weeks, the ADL has become the target of a vicious campaign of blatant antisemitism. And that is a problem. Following X (formerly Twitter) CEO Read More…